Sunday, August 16, 2009

My First Harvest

My little rooftop garden experiment is finally starting to pay off! The time, effort and love I have put into these few little pots of dirt are actually turning into something, right now in the form of these lovely, rosey little shallots. We had a minor disaster with the tomato plant, but hopes are high now for the bell pepper plant. Hopefully, with the mild San Francisco summer approaching, I should have some delicious bells in a couple of months.

The sorrel is growing like crazy, and I will soon be moving it to an even bigger pot. Garlic has started to sprout, and I plan on getting a couple more shallots in the ground soon. Thanks to you all who gave me your encouragement, it's great to know I've got people rooting for me. And believe me, if I can grow something on the windy, fog-soaked coast of San Francisco, you can have a garden just about anywhere.


Food, she thought. said...

Those shallots look gorgeous. Well done.

Unknown said...

Isn't it the best feeling to harvest something you've grown yourself? We decided to grow something this year in our tiny apartment, though certainly nothing as ambitious as this. We have a couple of herbs and our pride and joy, an Indian hot chilli plant which is just about showing signs of giving us our first chilli!