Saturday, July 14, 2007

Roll Call

Thanks to a very enterprising young woman out there in the Blogosphere, Jenn, the "Leftover Queen", we foodies now have our own easy to use list of food blogs at our disposal. The Foodie Blogroll, (check out the right sidebar) is a quickly growing roll call for all of the food-related blogs out there for us all to enjoy. The premise is pretty basic: Get all of the hundreds of thousands of food blog writers to post their web address on one roll call, and anyone looking for an interesting blog on say baking, English cuisine, or even the misadventures of one cook in his tiny San Francisco kitchen can basically overdose on food-related stuff.

Admittedly, there are plenty of more interesting blogs than this one, and I am just happy that my little piece of the Blogosphere can be added to the long list of fun sites dedicated to food. So to Jenn the "Leftover Queen", thanks for the great idea and the chance to get my modest fledgling blog about my tiny kitchen out into the great big world.


Thistlemoon said...

So happy to have you as part of the blogroll! Thanks for joining!